*English follows Japanese.
マッセレンタルスタジオ(ラサリラヨガ・武神館横浜) オープニングパーティー
– 日時:9月30日(日)12時30分開場 13時開始
– 参加費:無料
– 場所: マッセレンタルスタジオ(いつもの道場・スタジオのことです)
We will have our opening party on the 30th of September! We will have a potluck party at our new studio. We will prepare some food and drinks but we’ll appreciate your kindness if you could also bring something (amount serving for about 4 people) to eat or drink to make the party more exciting. You can bring a bottle of wine or other alchohol if you would like to drink!
Date and time: September 30th, Sunday from 12:30 p.m to 15:30 p.m.
Party fee: Free!
Place: Our Studio/Dojo